/* * DeviceConfig.cc * * Created on: Dec 9, 2010 * Author: lamikr */ #include "DeviceConfig.hh" #include #include #include #include "W1Util.hh" #include "W1Configure.hh" #include "Factory.hh" using namespace std; using namespace w1; string DeviceConfig::store_base_dir = DEFAULT_STORAGE_BASE_DIR; ConfigHandle::ConfigHandle(uci_context *ctx_param, uci_package *pkg_param) { _ctx = ctx_param; _pkg = pkg_param; } ConfigHandle::~ConfigHandle() { uci_unload(_ctx, _pkg); uci_free_context(_ctx); } DeviceConfig::DeviceConfig(string device_id_param) { device_id = device_id_param; uci_handle = load_device_config(device_id_param); if (uci_handle != NULL) { device_type = get_cfg_value(DEVICE_CONFIG_VALUE_KEY__TYPE); } else { log_error("Could not read device config\n"); } } DeviceConfig::~DeviceConfig() { if (uci_handle != NULL) { delete(uci_handle); uci_handle = NULL; } } void DeviceConfig::set_base_dir_name(string store_param) { int pos; int b_count; pos = store_param.find_last_of("/"); b_count = store_param.length(); if (pos == (b_count - 1)) { store_base_dir = store_param; } else { store_base_dir = store_param + "/"; } } string DeviceConfig::get_base_dir_name() { return store_base_dir; } string DeviceConfig::get_dir_name(string device_id_param) { string ret_val; string d_name; d_name = DeviceConfig::get_base_dir_name(); ret_val = W1Util::concat_paths(d_name, device_id_param); return ret_val; } string DeviceConfig::get_file_name(string device_id_param) { string ret_val; string fname; fname = DEVICE_CONFIG__FILE_NAME; ret_val = get_dir_name(device_id); ret_val = W1Util::concat_paths(ret_val, fname); return ret_val; } string DeviceConfig::get_cfg_value(string key) { struct uci_section *section; struct uci_option *option; string ret_val; if (uci_handle != NULL) { section = uci_lookup_section(uci_handle->_ctx, uci_handle->_pkg, DEVICE_CONFIG__SECTION_NAME); if (section != NULL) { option = uci_lookup_option(uci_handle->_ctx, section, key.c_str()); switch (option->type) { case UCI_TYPE_STRING: log_info("key: %s option name: %s, value: %s\n", key.c_str(), option->e.name, option->v.string); ret_val = option->v.string; break; default: log_error("key: %s Failed to read parameter value\n", key.c_str()); break; } } } return ret_val; } void DeviceConfig::set_cfg_value(string key, string value) { string cfg_dir; string cfg_fl; cfg_dir = get_dir_name(device_id); cfg_fl = DEVICE_CONFIG__FILE_NAME; set_config_value(cfg_dir.c_str(), cfg_fl.c_str(), DEVICE_CONFIG__SECTION_TYPE, DEVICE_CONFIG__SECTION_NAME, key.c_str(), value.c_str()); } EnumSummaryCalculationType DeviceConfig::get_summary_calculation_type() { EnumSummaryCalculationType ret_val; ret_val = MEAN; if (device_type.empty() == false) { if (device_type.compare("Counter Device") == 0) { ret_val = DELTA; } } return ret_val;; } ConfigHandle *DeviceConfig::load_device_config(string device_id_param) { int err_flg; struct uci_context *ctx; struct uci_package *pkg; string cfg_fl; string cfg_dir; ConfigHandle *ret_val; ret_val = NULL; cfg_dir = get_dir_name(device_id_param); if (cfg_dir.empty() == false) { if (access(cfg_dir.c_str(), W_OK) != 0) { W1Util::mkdirs(cfg_dir.c_str()); } cfg_fl = get_file_name(device_id_param); if (access(cfg_fl.c_str(), R_OK) == 0) { ctx = uci_alloc_context(); if (ctx != NULL) { log_debug("uci_set_confdir: %s\n", cfg_dir.c_str()); uci_set_confdir(ctx, cfg_dir.c_str()); err_flg = uci_load(ctx, cfg_fl.c_str(), &pkg); if (err_flg == UCI_OK) { log_debug("Loaded device configuration: %s\n.", cfg_fl.c_str()); ret_val = new ConfigHandle(ctx, pkg); } else { log_debug("Failed to load device configuration: %s, err code: %d\n.", cfg_fl.c_str(), UCI_OK); set_cfg_value(DEVICE_CONFIG_VALUE_KEY__TYPE, ""); uci_free_context(ctx); } } else { log_error("Failed to load device device configuration, memory allocation error.\n"); set_cfg_value(DEVICE_CONFIG_VALUE_KEY__TYPE, ""); } } else { log_error("Failed to load device device configuration, file does not exist: %s.\n", cfg_fl.c_str()); } } return ret_val; }